Topic: Editor’s Note

Editor's NoteAugust 2023

The articles in this issue are about the power of the status quo, and the challenge of changing it.

Editor's NoteJanuary 2023

As I write this editor’s note, rain is lashing the windows of my apartment — an unusual event for Los Angeles. Over the last two weeks our normally sunny city, like most of the rest of California, has […]

Transfers Issue 9 editor's note

Editor's NoteJune 2022

This issue of Transfers revolves around driving. In a sense, that’s appropriate.

Editor's NoteDecember 2021

Issue 8 swings between the old and new, with articles addressing some of the oldest questions in transportation planning and the new implications brought about by COVID-19.

ArticleDecember 2021

Every good editor, on some level, has to like other people and want them to succeed. Marty, in that regard, was the consummate editor.

ArticleSpring 2021

He did so much in so many different fields that most of us know only a small part of everything he accomplished

Editor's NoteFall 2020

Issue 6 of Transfers Magazine touches on some of the most important issues that we as a society face: how to attain more equality, and do less environmental harm.

It is more than a little odd to release a magazine about transportation at a time when few people are going anywhere. Eventually, however, the pandemic will end. When it does, the world will need wise transportation policy.

I am delighted to welcome you to our inaugural issue of Transfers, the Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center’s research magazine. At the eight PSR partner campuses, transportation […]