Issue 9 — June 2022
Editor’s Note
When It Comes to E-Bikes, Seeing is Believing
E-bikes can be a good alternative to driving: Bikeshare can make more people aware of them.
Susan Handy and Dillon Fitch
Spreading The Gospel of Induced Demand
Most Americans think we can build our way out of congestion. We need to show them they’re wrong.
Nicholas J. Klein, Kelcie Ralph, Anne Brown and Calvin Thigpen
Improving Efficiency and Equity with Geographically Targeted Gasoline Taxes
Driving’s negative effects differ by place. Maybe gas taxes should too.
Cody Nehiba
Why Older Adults Stop Driving
The role of age, gender and birth cohort.
Andrew Schouten and Evelyn Blumenberg
Cashing Out Employer-Paid Parking
22 words that could change the American commute.
Donald Shoup and Don Pickrell
Cover image: Zhu Hongzhi/Unsplash